Broomfield Coach Trips & Breaks
(FREE car-parking at Broomfield Village Hall & The Angel)
We live in Broomfield and we decided that we wanted to do something for the benefit of the local community. We wanted to start to bring people together again and moving forward………It started with one coach trip, then three more were added, that soon went up to ten trips.....then 15.....and now over thirty......so let us see where it all started......
To start with Jan formed a local ‘Knit and Natter and Craft Afternoon’ group last October at Broomfield Village Hall which is proving to be very popular. As a result of it’s success Jan wanted to take some of the local people to the ‘Knit and Stitching’ show at Alexandra Palace in October 2022 – so she hired her own coach! Within three days all 49 seats on the coach were booked!
One of the local ladies then said how annoying it was when booking a coach trip to find that the coach would go ‘on a tour of Chelmsford’ before setting off for the place everyone had booked for. With this in mind we decided to run a coach to Southwold – starting at Broomfield and ending at Broomfield – with no further stops anywhere. Within 36 HOURS all 49 places on the coach were booked. It had become obvious that local people had waited a long time for someone to run coaches that would be for their benefit – and start and finish at Broomfield. We are not restricting these trips to local people – anyone can join our day’s out.
We would like to say thank you to everyone that has supported us……….we will continue to provide you with enjoyable days out. If you have any suggestions for further trips then please get in touch……….everybody needs something to look forward to and we hope our coach trips will give you the opportunity to meet and make new friends and have good times.
Our newsletter can be emailed directly to you......please email rayspiller@aol.com asking to be added to the mailing list !....
And PLEASE book early.....we have completed 200 trips -180 of those sold out! We have over 90 trips lined up for 2025.......
Jan and Ray Spiller......
"Start at Broomfield......no more pick-ups........finish at Broomfield.....no more drop-offs .....anywhere......."

Contact Us
Have questions about Broomfield Coach Trips, or interested in joining a trip? Please reach out — we’re happy to help.
07767 607399...............01245 512997